23.10.2024 | 2024年10月23日 星期三











上海尚街LOFT五维创意广场, 邀请设计竞赛,2011

上海尚街 LOFT五维创意广场, 远东建筑奖提名奖,2015
上海尚街 LOFT 五维创意广场, 邀请设计竞赛,一等奖,2011
凹凸家具库,德国 BAUWELT“第一栋房子”建筑奖,优秀奖,2007


设计百分百 Design 100%,上海,2009
街道是我们......大家的,国际国内巡展,证大美术馆/上海, 尤仑斯当代艺术中心/北京,2008
大声展Get it louder,北京/上海/深圳,2005

吴洁,张屹南. 动态媒体设计. 南京: 江苏凤凰美术出版社,2024.
弗里兹·诺伊迈耶(德). 缺少艺术性的文字: 密斯建造艺术论. 陈旭东译. 北京: 中国建筑工业出社,2020.
吴洁. 媒体传达新时态. 上海: 同济大学出版社, 2018.
吴洁. 数字人类的起源: 1964-2001. 上海: 同济大学出版社, 2016.
陈旭东, 德默营造. 二手摩登: M50/莫干山50号的城市营造. 北京: 中国电子工业出版社, 2008.

吴洁. 复调的繁花: 图形表皮的建构实践和美学思考. 装饰, 2018.10: 98-101.
陈旭东. 剧场的逻辑. 读书,2018.6: 160-167.
吴洁. 动境:动态影像的新境遇,策展前言. B3+上海中德动态影像先锋展(2016.26.09-10.15)专辑. 同济大学: 1.
陈旭东. 奎格尔的新著《伟大的记录:恩斯特·柏石曼与中国宗教建筑(1906-1909)》. 时代建筑,2016.01: 179.
吴洁. 肖与像: 计算机图形图像技术与肖像艺术. 建筑与交叉文化国际研讨会(2014.10.31-11.01)论文集. 国立台南艺术大学: 247-254.
陈旭东. 文本与装置. 时代建筑,2014.01: 70-71.
吴洁. 论数字媒体艺术和设计的起源——活跃和创新的六十年代. 大设计,2013.4: 14-17.
陈旭东,严再天,段闻生. 小城营造:宁波慈城东北区城市研究. 城市建筑,No. 83,2011.08: 69-71.
陈旭东. 跨界:建筑学的自由. 建筑与文化,No.52,2008.06: 28-29.
陈旭东,流弘. 多余的空间(文本之外的解读). 当代美术家,2007.01: 58-59.
陈旭东. 日常纪念:以建构的方式. 关于法西斯主义美学与城市建筑. 1968(季刊),试刊号,2005.6.
陈旭东. 柏林苍穹下. 东方早报,城市地理,2004.01.09: E8.
陈旭东. 范斯沃斯宅的进深. 时代建筑,2002.06: 28- 30.
陈旭东. 关于“土木”. 建筑与设计(A+D),2001.03: 4-9.
吴洁. 维度空间的场景转换. 设计新潮,2001.02: 72-73.
陈旭东. 物化的建筑历史及其批判:对柏林城市物化的建筑文化现象的不合时宜的观察. 建筑师(台湾),2000.05: 114-119.
吴洁, 顾景文. 建筑作品的计算机媒体分析方法. 第四届亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计会议论文集(CAADRIA '99). 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社,1999: 97-103.(英文)
陈旭东. 与墙对话. 新建筑,2000.03: 40-41.
陈旭东. 两本书和一座城市: 论罗伯·克里尔的新城实践. 世界建筑,1999.10: 78-79.
吴洁. 建筑设计和计算机媒体技术. 时代建筑,1998.03: 91-92.
陈旭东. 来自路易·康的启示. 新建筑,1996.01: 19-21.

诺颜一生郑东美容医院. 室内设计师,第69期,2018.12.
徐州服务中心. 建筑地图2014,柏林: 建筑地图出版社,2013.
中德差异:德国当代建筑的现状. 新视线,2013.07.
生长于城市的建筑——陈旭东专访. O2 氧气,2013.05.
精准简洁的有机建筑学——建筑的未来式. La Vie(台),2013,第108期.
M50 信息塔. 建筑地图2013,柏林: 建筑地图出版社,2012.
阮庆岳. 莫干山 50 号的风景. 下一个天际线:当代华人建筑考,台北: 台湾田园城市,2010.
千叶院的数字建构: 徐州彭城一号展示中心设计. 城市建筑,2010.6.
让建筑成为文化链条中的一环——陈旭东专访. 设计家,当代中国建筑师专辑,2010.03.
不只是思考——陈旭东专访. 室内设计师,2009.12.
心中生长着建筑. 时尚先生,年度设计专题,2009.11.
二手摩登——德默营造的城市实践. A 住(意),2009.06.
中国建筑风火轮——莫干山 50 号的风景. 家饰(台),2009.01.
二手摩登的新城市蜕变美学,亚洲建筑势力崛起. La Vie(台),2008,第53期.
苏州河的呼吸,第 11 界威尼斯建筑双年展中国馆别册. 东方早报,2008.09.23.
东八书仓. A+(比),2008. 211.
M50,亚洲城市+亚洲建筑. Space(韩),2007.08.
变异的传统:上海的一家书店. Metropolis(美),2007.03.
塑形、整合、模糊(Shape, Integrate and Blur). 建筑实录(美),2007年鉴,2007.01.
凹凸家具库. Bauwelt(德),2007.01.
德默营造. 亚洲青年建筑师. 科隆: 德国 daab 出版社,2006.
上海潮人. Tempo(德),创刊二十周年纪念专辑,2006.
把空间还给民众. 联合早报,2006.03.21.
陈旭东与德默营造. Domus+78 中国建筑师. 北京:中国建筑工业出社,2006.
德默营造建筑事务所. 中国设计. 科隆: 德国 daab 出版社,2006.
关于莫干山路 50 号的对话. 城市中国,2006.11.
德默营造. 中国当代展览专集. 鹿特丹:荷兰 NAI 出版社,2006.
建筑与时装‘穿’过界. Vogue China,2005.11.
回转廊. 经济观察报,Lifestyle专刊,2005.9,第18期.
Andrew Yang. 老厂房的艺术聚落. 纽约时报,2005.07.03.
高倩蓝. 呼吸,以营造的方式——陈旭东和他的设计. 时代建筑,2005.06,第 86 期.
水回廊:建于生活之上. 周末画报,2005.05.21,第 335 期.
DAtrans 营造工作室——偶然中的必然. Interior Design/China,2005.04.

(德默营造 © 2024)


DAtrans was founded as an international research association dedicated to architecture and urbanism in 2001 in Berlin. DAtrans Architecture Office was established by the partners Dipl.-Ing. CHEN Xudong and Prof. Dr. WU Jie in 2004 and started the practice officially in 2005 in M50 by Suzhou Creek in Shanghai.

From the establishing on, DAtrans continuously focuses on the evolution and mutation of the contemporary cities under the globalization's context. We've deeply involved in the environmental transformation and urban renewal in contemporary China with the positive attitude and the critical argument. With the multidisciplinary, pluralized and international collaboration we also devote to the local architectural practice. We try to follow the interactive working method with the rigorous research and the dynamic strategy. As the final approach we try to discover and define a new architectural aesthetics according to the application of new materials and digital technology.

DAtrans has attracted not only the creative, professional and passionate architects, urban planners and landscape designers both from the local and global, but also as the graphic designers, engineers, artists and economic management experts to establish a multi-experts team. The network of DAtrans, focusing on the long-term and stable collaboration, is being built with the professional consultants, research institutions and products suppliers.

DAtrans hopes that the professional standards on quality could be combined with the demand's flexibility from the market, the customers and owners, the appreciated services of consulting and design could be provided under the project's process management.

We're proud of that we have completed a series of important commissions successfully, such as Gulou Public Service Center Xuzhou, Theme Square Highstreet Loft Shanghai, M50 Urban Renovation, Art Deco Furniture Collection, Jiangnanhui Resort West Lake and Library of Guangdong Art Museum (GDMOA) etc. At the same time, we have also been invited to participate in the international competitions of the important public projects, such as City Cultural Center Taichung, Train Station Commercial Area Kaifeng, Extension Asplund Library Stockholm and Theme Garden Shanghai EXPO 2010 etc.

As one of the most creative architecture offices in China, DAtrans has been invited to participate in the exhibitions and exchanges organized by the international professional institutions such as NAI, CIVA and ROM etc. DAtrans has also gained the important awards and nominations, such as "Top 10 Creative Designers of 2009 in Shanghai", "17 New Talent of Asian Architects in 2008" and "Top 10 Chinese New Trendy in 2007", also appointed as the "Shanghai 100 Fashion list in 2006" etc.

DAtrans has been reported by many well-known public and professional medias such as The New York Times, Architectural Record, Domus, Bauwelt and Architecture +Time etc. Meanwhile, DAtrans could also be discovered in many significant exhibitions and cultural events such as Milan Triennial, Power Station London, West Bund Biennale of Architecture and Contemporary Art Shanghai, Design Shanghai, Shenzhen/Hongkong Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture and China Design 2012 etc.

We hope to gain the opportunity to cooperate with you for the creative skyline in the future!

Important Projects
Square Highstreet Loft Theme Park, Shanghai
Gulou Public Service Center, Xuzhou
Suzhou Creek Boutique Hotel, Shanghai
Urban Study Cicheng, Ningbo
M50 Urban Renovation, Shanghai
Public Library Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou
Art Deco Furniture Collection, Shanghai 
Water Corridor

Danaher Customer Experience Center Suzhou,2023
Ersha City Creative Center Zhengzhou, 2019
City Cultural Center Taichung, 2013
Renovation Huamei Cigarette Factory Xiamen, 2013
Square Highstreet Loft Theme Park Shanghai, 2011
Xinhua IN Center Beijing, 2010
17th Cotton Mill Shanghai, 2008
San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge Lighting, call for artist, 2008
Baoshan Abstemious-Energy Source Centre Shanghai, 2007
Theme Garden of EXPO 2010 Shanghai, 2007
Extension Asplund Library Stockholm, 2006
Office Tower Land Resource Bureau Wujin, 2006
M50 Shanghai, 2005

Ersha City Creative Center Zhengzhou, Nomination, Competition, 2019
Square Highstreet Loft Theme Park Shanghai, Nomination, Fareast Architecture Prize, 2015
M50 Renovation Shanghai, Nomination, China Design Show (Culture Ministry China), 2012
M50 Renovation Shanghai, Work Collection, Guanshanyue Art Museum Shenzhen, 2012
Square Highstreet Loft Theme Park Shanghai, 1st Prize, Competition, 2011
17th Cotton Mill Shanghai, 2nd Prize (1st prize vacant), Competition, 2008
Baoshan Abstemious-Energy Center Shanghai, 1st prize, Competition, 2007
Art Deco Furniture Collection, Nomination, Bauwelt First House Prize, 2007
M50 Renovation Shanghai, 1st prize, Competition, 2005

Current Projects
Aesthetic Clinic Zhengzhou East
Courtyard House Beijing
Liancheng Football Center Shanghai(In progress)

From Waterfront to Cloud, 3rd Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo, NECC, Shanghai, 2020
Hand/Fabrication: DAtrans Recent Works, M50, Shanghai, 2017
1000 Architectures China (2000-2015), Beijing, 2015
Beyond Architecture, Shanghai/Beijing/Shenzhen/Chengdu, 2014
Design Shanghai 2013, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, 2013
West Bund Architecture and Contemporary Art Biennale, Shanghai, 2013
From Research to Design, Triennale di Milano, Milan, 2012
China Design, Guanshanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, 2012
Updating China, Himalaya Art Museum, Shanghai, 2010
Un-natural, Beijing Center for the Arts, Beijing, 2009
Design 100%, Shanghai, 2009
ARCHITopia, CIVA, Brussels, 2008
Fantasy, Eastlink Gallery, Shanghai, 2008
The streets belong to us……, Zendai MOMA/Shanghai, UCCA/Beijing, 2008
Shenzhen/Hongkong Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture, Shenzhen/Hongkong, 2007
40 under 40, Shanghai, 2007
Bauwelt Prize Exhibition, Munich/Shanghai, 2007
Contemporary Chinese Architecture, NAI, Rotterdam, 2006
Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Battersea Power Station, London, 2006
iLOOK Chinese Design Show, Beijing, 2006
Get it Louder, Shenzhen/Shanghai/Beijing, 2005

WU Jie, ZHANG Yinan. Dynamic Media Design. Nanjing: Jiangsu Phoenix Fine Arts Publishing, 2024. (Chn)
Fritz Neumeyer. The Artless Word. Mies van der Rohe on the Building Art. Trans. CHEN Xudong. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2020. (Chn)
WU Jie. The New Tense of Media & Communication. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2018. (Chn)
WU Jie. The Origin of Digital Humans: 1964-2001. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2016. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong+DAtrans. Second Hand Modern: the Urban Renovation of M50. Beijing: CCEP Publisher, 2008. (Eng/Chn)

WU Jie. Polyphonic Flowers: Tectonic Practice and Aesthetic Reflections. Zhuangshi, 10.2018: 98-101. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong. The logic of Theatre. Dushu, Beijing, 06.2018: 160-167. (Chn)
WU Jie. M-Scape: the New Landscape of Motion Pictures. Preface for Catalogue of Exhibition of Sino-German Pioneer Motion Pictures, B3+Shanghai, Tongji University, 26.09 -15.10.2016:1.
CHEN Xudong. Book Review on the Grand Documentation: Ernst Boerschman and Chinese Religious Architecture 1906-1909 by Eduard Koegel. Time+ Architecture: Shanghai, 03.2016:179. (Chn)
Searching for the Design's Code: Not Western Not Chinese, Home & Living Trends, 04.2015(Chn)
WU Jie. Computer Graphics and Portrait Art. Wang Wenchi (ed.). Conference of Architecture and Culture. Tainan Fine Arts University, 10.30- 11.1.2014: 247-254. (Eng/Chn)
CHEN Xudong. Texts and Installations, Time + Architecture: Shanghai, 01.2014: 70-71. (Chn)
WU Jie. The innovative and active 1960s: the origin of digital media art& design. All Design, 04.2013: 14-17. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong. YAN Zaitian, DUAN Wensheng. Bricolage Nano-Town: Urban Renovation of North-East Area of Cicheng Ningbo, Urbanism and Architecture, No. 83, 08.2011: 69-71. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong. Cross-border: Freedom of Architecture. Architecture and Culture, 06.2008: 28-29. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong, LIU Hong. The redundant Space. Contemporary Artists, 01.2007: 58-59. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong. Daily Commemoration in tectonic Way.1968 (Cultural quarterly), Trial issue, Fascist Aesthetics, 06.2005. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong. The Spatial Depth of Farnsworth House. Time + Architecture, 06.2002: 28-30. (Chn)
WU Jie. A transformation between the Dimensions. Design Trends, 02.2001: 72-73. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong. On TU MU. Architecture & Design. 03.2001: 4-9. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong. Dialog with the Wall. New Architecture, 07.2000: 40-41. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong. The History and Critics on materialized Architecture: Observation on the out-of-time Phenomenon in Berlin's urban architectural Culture. Chinese Architecture, 05.2000: 114-119. (Chn)
WU Jie, GU Jinwen. The Computer Media Method in Analysis to Architecture Works. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Computer aided architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA '99). Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 1999: 97-103. (Eng)
CHEN Xudong. Two Books and one Town: On Rob Trier's Practice on new Town. World Architecture, 10.1999: 64-66. (Chn)
WU Jie. Architecture Design in Digital Era. Time + Architecture, 03.1998: 91-92. (Chn)
CHEN Xudong. Inspiration by Louis I. Kahn. New Architecture, 01.1996: 19-21. (Chn)

Media Reports:
Knowing Beauty Aestethic Blinic Zhengzhou East. Interior Designer, Vol. 69, 12.2018. (Chn)
Xuzhou Public Service Center. Archipetium 2014, Berlin: Archimap Publishers, 2013. (Eng)
German contemporary architecture status: Deutsch DNA? The Outlook Magazine, 07.2013. (Chn)
The growing Buildings of City. O2, 05.2013. (Chn)
Accurate and concise organic Architecture. La Vie (Taiwan), Vol. 108, 2013. (Chn)
Info Tower M50. Archipetium 2013, Berlin: Archimap Publishers, 2012. (Eng)
RUAN Qingyue. A Room with a View inside M50. Next Skyline: Contemporary Chinese Architecture, Taipei: Garden City Publisher, 2010. (Chn)
Digital Tectonics of Gingko Pavilion. Urbanism and Architecture, 06.2010. (Chn)
Architecture as One Tach of the Cultural Chain. Designer & Designing, 03.2010. (Chn)
Not Only Thinking. Interior Designer, 12.2009. (Chn)
Second Hand Modern: Urban Design Practices of DAtrans. Abitare, 06.2009. (Eng/Chn)
Second Hand Modern: the New Urban Metamorphosis' Aesthetics, the Growing Up of the Asian Architects. La Vie (Taiwan), Vol. 53, 2008. (Chn)
The Suzhou River in Perspective, special Issue for China Pavilion of 11th Venice Architecture Biennale. Oriental Morning Post, 23.09.2008. (Eng/Chn)
The Librairie Time Zone 8. A+ (Belgium), Vol. 211, 2008. (French/Eng)
M50: Asian Cities, Asian Architectures. Space, 08.2007. (Korean/Eng)
Tweaking Tradition: A Bookstore in Shanghai. Metropolis (USA), 03.2007. (Eng)
Shape, Integrate and Blur. Architectural Record China, Vol. 1, 2007. (Eng/Chn)
Galerie Art Deco. Bauwelt, Vol.1, 2007. (German/Eng)
DAtrans. Young Asian Architect. Cologne: daab Publisher, 2007. (Eng)
Die Shang-haie. Tempo, 20 years anniversary issue, 2006. (German)
Give back the space to Public. Lianhe Zaoba, 21.03. 2006. (Chn)
Chen Xudong+DAtrans. Domus+78 Chinese Architects/Designers. Beijing: CABP, 2006. (Eng/Chn)
DAtrans Studio. Chinese Design. Cologne: daab Publisher, 2006. (Eng)
The Conversation on M50. Urban China, Vol.11, 2006. (Eng/Chn)
DAtrans Architecture Office. Catalog Chinese Contemporary Exhibition. NAI Publisher, 2006. (Eng)
Cross dressing: Architecture & Fashion. Vogue China, Vol.11, 2005. (Chn)
Corridor in Loop. Economic Observer, Issue Lifestyle, Vol.18, 2005. (Chn)
Andrew YANG. In old Mills, an Artist's Colony. New York Times, 03.07.2005. (Eng)
GAO Qianlan. Bricolage between Breathing in/out: on Xudong Chen and his works. Time + Architecture, Vol. 86, 06.2005. (Chn)
Water Corridor: Built for the Life. Modern Weekly, Vol. 335, 21.05.2005. (Chn)
Necessity in Occasion: on DAtrans Studio. Interior Design China, 04.2005. (Eng/Chn)

(DAtrans © 2024)