27.7.2024 | 2024年7月27日 星期六

为庆祝M50艺术园区成立二十周年, 从2019年11月开始,一系列公共活动隆重推出:其中包括11月16日至12月8日的《上海城市空间季普陀实践案例展》,展览展出相关的水岸滨河和活力城市的实践案例;11月29日至12月20日《继续:M50二十周年特展》邀请20位入驻过M50的当代艺术家展出他们在M50创作的作品;12月6日,举办了M50未来发展主题圆桌论坛。

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of M50, a series of public events have been launched since November 2019, including the exhibition SUSAS Putuo Practice Case from Nov. 16 to Dec. 8 that displayed the relevant examples of waterfront development in Shanghai. From Nov. 29 to Dec. 20, Continuance: M50 20th Anniversary Special Exhibition invited 20 contemporary artists who have worked in M50 to display their works in M50. At the same time a round-table on the theme of future development of M50 was also held on Dec. 6.
The series of events are not only a review of the cultural achievements of M50 in the past two decades, but also a prospect for the cultural inheritance and continued development of the city in the future. As a long-term partner of M50, DAtrans has actively participated in the above events and exchanges.