23.10.2024 | 2024年10月23日 星期三

9月,经过编辑团队一年左右的辛勤工作和共同努力,德默营造的城市营造作品集《二手摩登》终于由中国电力出版社正式出版。(图书的规格:292 页 / 中英对照/ ISBN:978-7-5083-7586-1 /平装 / 16.5 X 12 cm)

The urban renovation’s work Second Hand Modern by DAtrans was published by China Electrical Power Press in September in Beijing. It took almost one year for the edition team to complete the book’s design.
(Second Hand Modern , 292 pages, Language: Chinese and English, ISBN: 978-7-5083-7586-1, Hardcover :16.5cm X 12 cm)