19.9.2024 | 2024年9月19日 星期四

Exhibiton Hall LIPF
连州国际摄影展是由广东省文化厅主办的国际性大型摄影年展,被列入广东省十一五重点文化项目。摄影展的宗旨是为了展示当下中国丰富的影像资源,并对世界不同文化背景下的摄影进行探讨。摄影展的发起者之一、著名的法籍策展人Alain Julien在德默营造的作品中,被其当代特征和文化特质深深打动,遂欣然邀请其作为2006年展的主展场的设计师。
被改造为展厅的“粮仓”主体由十个彼此联系的圆筒构成,每个高达十余米,是“大跃进”代时遗留下来的典型建构。与此同时,连州古村落的凋敝空寂和珠三角的欣欣向荣的反差带给我们很多思考,并意识到事物静止和变化的相对关系,于是产生了“瞬时建构” (Instantaneous Building)这一想法:粮仓在展览期间被腾空,展后按当地政府要求恢复正常储备功能,使展厅具有了“临时性”的特征,而这恰恰是当代中国社会的一个缩影。
Lianzhou International Photo Festival is an international large-scale photo exhibition organized by Department of Culture of Guangdong Province. The exhibition aims to show current rich image resources in China, and discuss the photography from different cultural backgrounds in the world. One of the initiators of the exhibition is the curator Alain Julien that invited us as the general designer of the exhibition's Hall of 2006.
The main exhibition's hall, up to ten meters, is transformed into the "granary" by the ten interrelated cylinders. It is a typical construction inherited from the "Great Leap Forward". Meanwhile the contrast between the depressed ancient village in Lianzhou City and the prosperous Pearl River Delta has brought us a lot of thoughts and thus we come to realize that things change in the relative relationship between static and changing, producing an area of "Instantaneous Construction" : granaries were vacated during the exhibition. After the exhibition, it is restored with reserve requirements of the local government, so that Hall has a "temporary" feature, exactly a microcosm of contemporary Chinese society.
If photography can find a balance between instant and timeless, then can the space find the access between the temporary and permanent? Perhaps the content of external form and expression may be self-contradictory; perhaps the sudden chance of the storage yard in North Mountains of Guangdong makes the design proposal show a dynamic disorder and the whole process has become an ex-ordinary experience of the rapid construction .
项目名称: 连州国际摄影展馆
项目地址: 广东省连州市
设计时间: 2006.09
Title: Exhibiton Hall LIPF
Location: Lianzhou, Guangdong
Gross Building Area: 6,000sqm
Design Period:09.2006
Program: Exhibition
Structure/Material:Steel structure
Team: CHEN Xudong, CHEN Kevins, OUYANG Liwen